Legal Notice

Squadra Avocats
A French Société d’avocats d’exercice libéral à responsabilité limitée
SELARL with a share capital of € 139 910
Registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Registry under Number D 451 913 958 – Business Identification Number 451 913 958 000 18 – Attorney Box Number P538
24 rue de Prony, 75017 PARIS (France)
Telephone: +33 (0)1 44 29 32 80
The Publishing Director of this website is François LAN


140 Quai du Sartel – 59100 Roubaix – France
Telephone: 08 99 70 17 61 (1,349 € /charge per call + 0,337 €/minute) – Telephone: + 33 (0) 3 20 20 09 58


Acknowledgement of terms of use – By using this website, the user acknowledges having been informed of the present terms of use, including the rules relating to the protection of personal data, and accepts them without reservation.

Personal data protection – In accordance with Section 22 of the Statute of 6 January 1978 (Statute No. 78-17 on Information Technology, Data and Liberties) as amended by the Statute of 6 August 2004 (Statute No. 2004-801 on the Protection of Natural Persons in Relation to Processing of Personal Data), the prerequisite formalities for implementing “automated processing of personal data require a declaration to the National Commission for Data Protection and Liberties” (Commision nationale de l’informatique et des libertés – CNIL). However, this website is exempt from such prior declaration to the CNIL in France regarding processing of personal data collected or made public through this website, under the conditions set by CNIL Deliberation No. 2006-138 of 9 May 2006 which exempts data processing for purposes of information or external communication from such obligation (Exemption No. 7) (Official Journal No. 128 of 3 June 2006).


Personal data or categories of personal data being processed – The use of this website may result in the processing of the following data, to the exclusion of any other:


data submitted by users on a voluntary basis in electronic mail sent to Squadra Associés, including their email addresses;

IP (Internet Protocol) address of the user’s connection;

The person responsible for the processing of personal data is Squadra Avocats, on its own behalf or on behalf of any of its offices.


Purpose of the processing – The data relating to electronic mail (addresses and any other data submitted voluntarily by users therein) sent via “mailto” links to attorneys or employees of Squadra Avocats are recorded and used exclusively for the purpose of replying thereto. These data are retained only for the duration necessary to fulfil this purpose. The IP addresses of users are collected by Squadra Avocats for statistical purposes in anonymized form (log books) or to analyse potential malfunctions of the website, security breaches or malware intrusions.


Disclosure of data – The collected data cannot be transferred or disclosed, even free of charge, to third parties. Squadra Avocats’ offices other than its Paris office are not considered as third parties.


Rights of users – In accordance with Section 39 of the Statute of 6 January 1978, any person proving their identity is entitled to obtain from the person responsible for the processing of personal data:


confirmation as to whether their personal data is or is not being processed;

information regarding the purpose of the processing, the categories of personal data being processed and the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the data is disclosed;

where relevant, information regarding the potential transfer of personal data to states which are not members of the European Community; the disclosure, in accessible forms, of their personal data and of any available information regarding the collection thereof;

any information regarding the underlying logic of the automated data collection and allowing the user to challenge such collection, in the event of a decision formed on that basis and producing legal effects on the user.

A copy of the personal data is made available to the user upon request. The person responsible for the processing may require the payment of a fee that cannot exceed the cost of reproduction. Any website user proving their identity may require, where relevant, that their personal data be rectified, completed, updated or deleted in the event such data is inaccurate, incomplete, equivocal, obsolete, or where the use or retention of such data is forbidden. These user rights may be exercised by means of an email sent to or by regular mail sent to Squadra Avocats, 24 rue de Prony, 75017 Paris, France.


Rights of the attorneys and employees of Squadra Avocats appearing on the website – The personal data made accessible via the website cannot be collected or processed without the express prior written consent of the relevant person. Such data cannot be collected by any means to send messages for advertising purposes or for purposes unrelated to the activities of Squadra Avocats.


Intellectual property – This website and the functional or graphic elements it contains, including texts, presentations and photographs are the exclusive property of Squadra Avocats. The full or partial reproduction or representation of pages, data or any other element of the website, by any means or on any device, is forbidden. The trademarks and related logos appearing on the website have been recorded for protective purposes by their owners. It is forbidden to use hyperlinks to this website or any of its pages without the express prior consent of Squadra Avocats.


Website content – Information, documents and data of all kinds appearing on Squadra Avocats’ website are general information provided for informative purposes. They cannot under any circumstances be considered as advice, prospecting or solicitation, or an offer of services of any kind. Squadra Avocats endeavours to update its website on a regular basis but does not guarantee the comprehensiveness or exactness of information available on this website. Squadra Avocats cannot be deemed responsible for any mistakes, omissions or imprecision in relation to information available on its website or on pages to which this website may contain links.


Disputes – In accordance with the provisions of Section L. 612-1 et seq. of the Consumer Code, any natural person having entered into a fee arrangement with an attorney to whom they entrust a mission that is not within the scope of their trade, business, craft or profession may, in the event of a dispute with such attorney, refer the matter free of charge to the relevant national consumer mediator, which is the mediator with the National Bar Council (Conseil National des Barreaux, CNB) whose contact details are: CNB, Médiateur à la consommation, 22 rue de Londres, 75009 Paris.


Miscellaneous – Squadra Avocats reserves the right, at all times, to amend and/or suspend, temporarily or permanently, all or part of its website.